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                您好,欢迎访问龙信达 | 光敏电阻、光敏传⌒ 感器、硅光⊙电二极管-深圳市龙信达科技有限公■司官网!
                4008 360 889
                龙信达 | 光敏电阻、光敏传感器、硅光电二极管-深圳市龙信达科技有限公司
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                龙信达 | 光敏电阻、光敏传感器、硅光电二极管-深圳市龙信达科技有限公司

                电话:4008 360 889

                咨询热线4008 360 889











                ? High input-to-output voltage isolation
                ? True resistance element output
                ? Single or dual element outputs available
                ? Low cost
                ? Suitable for AC or DC use
                ? Wide range of input to output characteristics
                ? Low drive current
                ? Low “on” resistance, high “off” resistance
                ? Complete solid-state construction



                Typical Applications:
                ? DC isolators
                ? Feedback elements in automatic gain control circuits
                ? Audio limiting and compression
                ? Noiseless switching
                ? Logic interfacing
                ? Remote gain control for amplifiers
                ? Photochoppers
                ? Noiseless potentiometers

                The AOI also uses an optical link between input and output. The input element is an LED and the output element is always a photoconductive cell or, simply a photocell. Together, the coupled pair act as an electrically variable potentiometer. Since the output element of the AOI is a resistor, the voltage applied to this output resistor may be DC and/or AC and the magnitude may be as low as zero or as high as the maximum voltage rating. Because the input will control the magnitude of a complex waveform in a proportional manner, this type of isolator is an analog-control element. AOIs may be used in the ON-OFF mode but the fastest response time is only in the millisecond range. A level-sensitive Schmitt trigger is required between the AOI and logic gates when used in digital circuits.

                Absolute Maximum Ratings @ 25°
                Maximum Temperatures
                ?Storage and Operating: –40°C to 75°C
                ?Cell Power: 175 mW
                ?Derate Above 30°C: 3.9 mW/°C
                ?LED Current: 40 mA
                ?Derate Above 30°C: 0.9 mA/°C

                ?LED Reverse Breakdown Voltage: 3.0 V


                                   LED Forward Voltage Drop @ 20 mA: 2.0 V (1.65 V Typ.)
                ?5C8 = 2.8 V (2.2 V typ.)
                ?5C9 = 2.8 V (2.2 V typ.)
                ?5C10 = 2.8 V (2.2 V typ.)
                ?Minimum Isolation Voltage @70% Rel. 

                Humidity: 2500 VRMSOutput Cell Capacitance: 5.0 pF

                ?Input/Output Coupling Capacitance: 0.5 pF

                Analog Optical Isolators—5C Series

                Specification Notes:

                LED Current: Since the input has a substantially constant voltage drop, a current-limiting resistance is required.

                ON Resistance: Dark adapted resistance measured after 24 or more hours of no input.

                OFF Resistance: Measured 10 sec. after removal of the input. The ultimate resistance is many times greater than the value at 10 sec.

                Response Time: Ascent measured to 63% of final conductance from the application of 40 mA input. The conductance rise time to a specified value is increased at reduced input drive while the conductance decay time to a specified value is decreased. Typical matching and tracking from 0.4 to 40 mA is 25%. Measured 5 sec. after removal of the input. The ultimate resistance is many times greater than the value at 5 sec.

                5C9 response times are based on a 2 mA input. 5C10 response times are based on a 10 mA input for ascent time and a 1 mA input for decay time.

                Typical Applications of Analog Optical Isolators



                4008 360 889